Institutional Clients

Independent. Reliable. Efficient.

To speak with us contact:

+357 22 110 888

Through our local presence we can provide an unrivalled service to the main financial institutions in Cyprus and Greece in the trading of fixed income securities and as a result reciprocate this service to our international clients.

We provide clients with local market access as well as the ability to trade and settle a wide range of securities whether these are liquid Eurobonds or illiquid bonds that settle on domestic exchanges. Each trading desk is complete with professionals who possess the knowledge, experience and relationships with market participants that go back many years.

Moreover, our team has the combined knowledge and experience to trade securities across the credit spectrum including corporate bonds, distressed papers and loans. Although most of our trades are on a matched principal basis, we also have a proprietary portfolio which we predominantly use to serve smaller local financial institutions with their retail flow.

Athlos Capital employs the latest technology to ensure seamless settlement through the combination of our post-trade support teams’ expertise and the industry leading sub-custodians we work with via our clearer; a multi-award winning financial services firm regulated by the FCA.

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